It is December - what? where does time go? We have had a busy busy week which is the best thing to b as a missionary - BUSY!!! We literally had to run from one appointment to the next..meetings..lessons.. service..dinner appointments.. Sister Coleman and I - after hearing a talk on charity in sacrament meeting yesterday - decided that we are going to do one random act of kindness every day in December. To help us really get into the Christmas Spirit. We started early so..when the snow came and we had to climb a large flight of slippery steps to knock on a door, we decided to use their shovel and clear them off. They didn't answer...but I`m sure they were happy when they got home :) We also started volunteering at a seniors home here, one of the residents, Jean, is blind and practically deaf but she knows how to talk. Whether someone is listening to her or not she talks and talks and talks. We went on Friday to help them bake a cake for their monthly Birthday party and sang Christmas carols. Jean, despite her blindness, mixed the batter (quite nicely) and we sang with hem - loud and off tune. That was a happy experience.
A few weeks ago we were in Sackville (a college town about 15 minutes outside of Amherst) on our way to visit a member we passed a lady who was sitting on her steps. We said hi but didn't go and talk to her. When the member was not home we headed back to the car, the lady was still smoking on the step and we knew we needed to talk to her. So we did, we told her who we were and invited her to learn about the Book of Mormon. She said that she was not interested and we went on our way - feeling much better that we had followed the prompting and talked to her, no matter the outcome. A few days letter we received a media referral, 50 Queens Street in Sackville. Tammy`s address. She had requested a Book of Mormon. We called her and she hasn`t been available for us to drop it off yet but that was a sweet testimony for us. God will help us be in the right place at the right time if we will simply open our mouths.
In my journal I started writing the highlight of each day - I like it so much that I am going to send you the highlight of my week each Monday :) The highlight this week would have to be the mini Christmas tree a member gave us, they don`t have much and when they heard us talking about trying to find a little tree for our apartment, Jonathan the 15 year old asked his mom to give us theirs because they were finally able to afford a bigger one this year. We decorated it with paper chains and it is so cute.
Today as I was reading the Book of Mormon I came across a verse in 3 nephi, right before the sign of Christ`s death takes place among the Nephites. The people, in their extreme wickedness, kill and stone the Prophets of God. Nephi, a Prophet, despite their wickedness, boldly preaches repentance and faith on Jesus Christ. (7:18-19)
18 And it came to pass that they were angry with him, even because he had greater power than they, for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words, for so great was his faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that angels did minister unto him daily.
19 And in the name of Jesus did he cast out devils and unclean spirits; and even his brother did he raise from the dead, after he had been stoned and suffered death by the people.
They could not NOT believe his words because he spake by the power and authority of God. Oh how I wish I could testify like Nephi did. I am so grateful for the miracles that take place in this church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am grateful for the power of God that is given to us - members and missionaries - to help others come to a knowledge of the truth. I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ - that he did minister to his ``other sheep`` in Ancient America. That He lives and died for each of us. That He might fulfill the Father`s Plan. So that each of us - through, faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end - can make it through our trials. We can receive the greatest of all the gifts of God.
I love all of you. I hope that you will strive to recognize the many miracles that the Gospel has brought into your life. I hope that you will look for ways to offer ``simple acts of kindness`` especially through this holiday season.
Have a happy week!
Love, Sister Gochnour
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